Setup Your First Application

Let’s start creating the backend application. In this tutorial we will build a tiny blogging application, where registered users can create posts which can be read by anyone.

Sandboxed Development Setup

We prefer to use a sandboxed development setup, using buildout. Buildout is a Python-based build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications.

Project Template

We provide a cookiecutter project template which contains a working buildout configuration including:

  • Basic setup for an application using lovely.pyrest
  • scripts to setup and teardown the crate database
  • A configured supervisord to control the crate and app processes for development
  • A script to generate a sphinx documentation for your backend

Setup using the template

Install cookiecutter with pip:

sh$ pip install

Create the microblog project:

sh$ cookiecutter

Cookiecutter wants some input. Except for the repo_name you can leave the fields blank and just press Enter to use the defaults. Of course you may change the company_name, email etc.

Cloning into 'cookiecutter-lovely-setup'...
remote: Counting objects: 42, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done.
remote: Total 42 (delta 7), reused 39 (delta 4)
Unpacking objects: 100% (42/42), done.
Checking connectivity... done
company_name (default is "Lovely Systems")?
email (default is "")?
github_username (default is "lovelysystems")?
project_name (default is "Lovely Boilerplate")? Lovely Microblog
repo_name (default is "boilerplate")? microblog
project_short_description (default is "Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.")? Yet another microblog
release_date (default is "2014-01-24")? y
year (default is "2014")? y
version (default is "0.0.0")? y
py_package (default is "yes")? y
buildout (default is "yes")? y
pyrest (default is "yes")? y
crate (default is "yes")? y
supervisor (default is "yes")? y
sphinx (default is "yes")? y

There will be a folder called microblog (or your repo_name) which contains several files:

sh$ ls microblog

You now have successfully created the development environment! If you are using git you could initialize a repo with something like this:

sh$ cd microblog
sh$ git init
sh$ git add .
sh$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Bootstrap and buildout

After creating or checking out the project the first time you have to bootstrap the app:

sh$ python2.7
Creating directory '/Users/philipp/sandbox/test/microblog/bin'.
Creating directory '/Users/philipp/sandbox/test/microblog/parts'.
Creating directory '/Users/philipp/sandbox/test/microblog/develop-eggs'.
Generated script '/Users/philipp/sandbox/test/microblog/bin/buildout'

The created bin directory contains a buildout script:

sh$ bin/buildout -N

If nothing went wrong, the bin directory contains all the scripts you need to start developing:

sh$ ls -l bin

The app script starts the app in foreground:

sh$ bin/app

So you can make some requests:

sh$ curl -XGET localhost:9210/probe_status

The supervisord script starts two instances of the app (ports: 9210, 9211) and two instances of crate (ports: 4200, 4201) in the background. You have to cancel the app script first by pressing ^CTRL + C else supervisord can’t start the first app instance because the port is already in use:

sh$ bin/supervisord
sh$ bin/supervisorctl status
app:app_9210                     RUNNING ...
app2:app_9211                    RUNNING ...
crate:crate_4200                 RUNNING ...
crate2:crate_4201                RUNNING ...
haproxy                          RUNNING ...

To stop an app or a crate instance run:

sh$ bin/supervisorctl stop app:app_9210

To stop all app or crate instances run:

sh$ bin/supervisorctl stop "crate:*"

During development you have to restart the app frequently. It’s more convinient to use the supervisor just for crate. The app script should be started in foreground, so you can easily restart the app. A further advantage of running the app in foreground is that you see the output of the app script. This might help finding errors. After starting supervisord run:

sh$ bin/supervisortctl stop app
sh$ bin/app

To restart the app stop the script by pressing ^CTRL + C and start it again:

sh$ bin/app


An haproxy instance is also started by supervisord. HAProxy is a reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer. It’s configured to listen on port 9100 and it load balances requests between the app instances:

sh$ curl -XGET localhost:9100/probe_status

HAProxy periodically checks the health state of the app servers by requesting /probe_status. If an instance is not reachable anymore, haproxy won’t pass requests to it.


The local topology of the individual services looks as follows:

package "localhost" {
    [haproxy - 9100] as ha1
    [app - 9210] as ap1
    [crate - 4200] as cr1

    [app - 9211] as ap2
    [crate - 4201] as cr2


ha1 --> ap1
ha1 --> ap2

ap1 --> cr1
ap1 --> cr2

ap2 --> cr1
ap2 --> cr2

For the next steps in this tutorial it’s not necessary to always run the full topology, but it doesn’t hurt either. As mentioned before we recommend to use the supervisor just for crate and to run an app instance in foreground.

For the next steps we can stop an app instance and / or the haproxy:

$sh bin/supervisorctl stop app:app_9211
$sh bin/supervisorctl stop haproxy

You also can stop the second crate node:

$sh bin/supervisorctl stop crate:crate_4201

So your topology looks like:

package "localhost" {
    [app - 9210] as ap1
    [crate 4200] as cr1

ap1 --> cr1

For more informations about the topology see Scalability, Reliability and a Production environment.


If you run both app instances and you want to request the haproxy it’s important to restart both app instances if you make some changes.

Non Sandboxed Development Setup

If you prefer not to use buildout you can install crate and lovely.pyrest on your own following these instructions: