Start Coding

As mentioned before we want to build a small blogging application, where users can create and read blog posts.

As webframework we use lovely.pyrest which is build on top of pyramid

The microblog Application

The project directory contains a folder named microblog. This is the interesting part of the project:

sh$ ls -l microblog contains a server_factory which starts the app using the gevent WSGIServer. contains two helper methods for refreshing crate, we’ll catch that later. contains an empty app_factory and setup code for crate.

The BlogPost Service

As a first step we create a new REST-Service for reading and creating blog posts. To do this, create a blogpost module inside the microblog package:

$sh mkdir blogpost
$sh touch blogpost/


It’s not mandatory to create a module for the blogpost. If you want you can put the service inside the or every other module. (We would not recommend to do that, it’s like putting all the Code of an iOS app into the AppDelegate)

Inside the blogpost module, create a file named and add the following contents:

from import RestService, rpcmethod_route

class BlogPostService(object):

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

    def list(self):
        """ Return all blogposts """
        return {}

def includeme(config):
    config.add_route('blogposts', '/blogposts', static=True)


The includeme function declares the blogposts route. It defines that the BlogPostService will be called if someone requests /blogposts. The first parameter blogposts is just an identifier. The second parameter is the relative url path.


The BlogPostService class is the implementation of our REST service. It needs an __init__ method which takes a request object.

RestService decorator

The RestService(‘blogposts’) decorator is necessary for the application to mark the class as a REST service. The argument is the route identifier. If someone requests the /blogposts uri, the request is routed to the BlogPostService because it has the same identifier as the blogposts route.

List function

The list function is a very basic function which returns an empty dictionary. The rpcmethod_route decorator defines that this method will be used if a GET request is performed on the service.


If the request_method argument is not passed, GET is used as default HTTP Method. So you could ommit it, in this case.

Include the Service

Now open the file and include and scan the created module. The app_factory method should look something like this:

def app_factory(global_config, **settings):
    """Setup the main application for paste

    This must be setup as the paste.app_factory in the egg entry-points.
    config = Configurator(settings=settings, autocommit=True)

    return config.make_wsgi_app()


config.include(microblog.blogpost.service) imports the created and executes the includeme function. Alternatively you could declare the route directly in the app_factory. Then you should omit the includeme function in the


config.scan(microblog.blogpost) tells the application to import microblog.blogpost and to register the RestService internally.

Run the application

After restarting the app, you can request the blogpost service using your browser or curl:

$sh curl http://localhost:9210/blogposts

The response body contains the empty dictionary, which is returned by the list function.