Lovely PyRest Documentation

Lovely Pyrest is an extension for Pyramid to easily create REST-Services. It provides functionallity to define service endpoints by decorating classes and methods.


  • Sphinx extension to automatically generate documentation
  • Automatic schema-validation based on jsonschema

First Example

This is an example of a full WSGI application using lovely.pyrest:

from import RestService, rpcmethod_route
from lovely.pyrest.validation import validate, ValidationException


# Create a schema to validate the body
schema = {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "title": {
            "type": "string"
        "content": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": False

class ArticlesService(object):
    """ Create and read articles """

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

    def post(self, data):
        id = len(ARTICLES)
        ARTICLES[id] = data
        return {'stored': id}

    def get(self, id):
        return ARTICLES.get(id)

def bad_request(exc, request):
    request.response.status = 400
    return {
            'status': "ERROR",
            'reason': exc.message

def includeme(config):
    config.add_route('article', '/article', static=True)
    config.add_view(bad_request, renderer='json',

The example provides the following functionallity:

Schema Validation

The request body gets validated if a post request gets performed and a json error message gets returned if validation fails:

>>> res = app.post_json('/article', {'content': 'This is my...'}, expect_errors=True)

>>> print res.status
400 Bad Request

>>> print_json(res.body)
    "reason": "Required field 'title' is missing",
    "status": "ERROR"

Table Of Contents

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Setup a Project using Lovely PyRest